Appendix B. History of changes Previous topic Parent topic Child topic Next topic

v1.4.0 (September 3, 2024)

xxeserver based on XMLmind XML Editor Opens in new window v10.9.
  • Improved the usability of the diagnostics pane displayed by the "Check Document Validity" button by rendering error messages in a nicer, more readable, way.
  • Added a "Show Content Model" item to the menu of <xxe-app>, the sample XML editor application. Just like in the desktop application, this menu item opens a dialog box containing an automatically generated reference manual listing all the elements and attributes specified in the DTD, W3C XML Schema or RELAX NG schema of the document being edited.
  • Content object attributes Opens in new window (CSS proprietary extension) generating an attributes pane in now supported.
  • xxeserver embeds Jetty Opens in new window in order to implement an HTTP and WebSocket server. Upgraded Jetty to version 11.0.22.
Bug fixes:
  • Firefox only: empty (e.g. newly created), styled, having a block or inline-block display, comments and processing-instructions were rendered as a red line.
  • In content objects generating form controls (CSS proprietary extensions) like gauge Opens in new window, a parameter like "min, attr(min)" was not supported.
  • In content objects generating form controls (CSS proprietary extensions) like radio-buttons Opens in new window, a empty attribute value was not visible. It is now rendered as "(empty string)".
  • CSS system font values like "message-box", "caption", etc, were not correctly rendered.

v1.3.0 (June 17, 2024)

xxeserver based on XMLmind XML Editor Opens in new window v10.8.
  • When the document being edited has unsaved changes, the sample XML editor application (<xxe-app>) now asks the user to confirm that she/he really wants to leave the page containing the application. This feature corresponds to new attribute <xxe-app>/@checkleaveapp. Default attribute value: "true".
    Note that the document auto recovery feature is orthogonal to the above feature. The document auto recovery feature in the sample XML editor application corresponds to new attribute <xxe-app>/@autorecover. Default attribute value: "true".
  • Added the "Comment Out" and "Uncomment" menu items to the Edit|Comment menu of the toolbar. "Comment Out" replaces text selection or explicit node selection by a comment containing the selection. "Uncomment" is inverse command of "Comment Out". It parses the content of implicitly or explicitly selected comment and replaces this comment by parsed XML nodes.
    This feature is a “port” from the desktop app. See "Comment menu" Opens in new window.
  • Added the "Remark" submenu to the Edit menu of the toolbar. A remark is simply a <?xxe-remark?> processing-instruction nicely rendered as a “balloon” in the styled view. Double-clicking on this balloon displays a remark editor. This remark editor may be used to create a new remark or to reply to/modify an existing remark.
    This feature is a “port” from the desktop app. See "Remark menu" Opens in new window.
  • All the content objects generating form controls (CSS proprietary extensions) are now supported. For example, check-box Opens in new window, date-picker Opens in new window, radio-buttons Opens in new window, value-editor Opens in new window are supported.
    However there a few limitations compared to the form controls supported by the desktop app:
    • file-name-field Opens in new window is rendered like text-field Opens in new window. There is no button next to the text field which opens a dialog box letting you choose a file.
    • The following properties of gauge Opens in new window are ignored: low, high, optimum, low-color, high-color, optimum-color.
    • The following properties of spinner Opens in new window are ignored on the client-side: pattern, language, country, variant, columns. That is, on the client-side, it's the web browser which is in control of what the user can see and type.
    • The following properties of date-picker Opens in new window, time-picker Opens in new window, date-time-picker Opens in new window are ignored on the client-side: format, pattern, language, country, variant, columns. That is, on the client-side, it's the web browser which is in control of what the user can see and type.
Bug fixes:
  • The autorecover feature did not work when several documents were opened in several browser tabs/windows.
  • Firefox only: pasting some text into a element containing a large number of text lines (e.g. a large <pre>) sometimes caused the caret to be scrolled out of sight.

v1.2.0 (March 22, 2024)

xxeserver based on XMLmind XML Editor Opens in new window v10.7.
  • The DITA map, DocBook assembly and Ebook toolbars now have "Open Topic R/O" (open topic in read-only mode) and "Open Topic" buttons. For example, in the case of a DITA <map> or <bookmap>, these buttons open in a new browser tab the topic or sub-map referenced by selected <topicref>.
  • DITA, DocBook, XHTML, TEI Lite configurations: Ctrl-Alt-click (Option-Cmd-click on the Mac) on an external http/https link now opens the corresponding page in a new tab. In previous versions of XXEW, this action only followed internal links.
  • xxeserver embeds Jetty Opens in new window in order to implement an HTTP and WebSocket server. Upgraded Jetty to version 11.0.20.
  • xxeserver -faccess option: in addition to config_file|-|~|+, this option now also supports dir_list, where dir_list is a list of absolute or relative directory paths separated by ";".
  • The xxe-web-eval-N_N_N distribution is now available as a Docker Opens in new window image called xmlmind/xxe-web:N_N_N-eval. How to run this image as a container is documented in its Docker Hub page Opens in new window.
Bug fixes:
  • When navigating to a folder containing files having very long names, the "Open Remote Document" dialog box automatically became wider, which was somewhat annoying.

v1.1.0 (November 22, 2023)

xxeserver based on XMLmind XML Editor Opens in new window v10.6.
  • Typing text using a CJK Input Method Editor (IME) now works but has limitations and bugs. For example, it's not possible to replace the text selection simply by typing text using the IME.
  • Interactive commands written in JavaScript™ which are specific to a configuration are now dynamically loaded when needed. DocBook's "Link callouts" Opens in new window is such command. This short and simple command written in JavaScript first displays a dialog box letting the user choose an ID prefix, then it invokes its server-side counterpart (the command written in Java™ used by XXE Desktop) to actually do the job.
  • Upgraded JavaScript module browser-fs-access Opens in new window to version 0.35.
  • The following content objects (CSS proprietary extensions) are now supported: command-button Opens in new window and all its variants: command-menu, insert-button, insert-after-button, insert-before-button, insert-same-after-button, insert-same-before-button, replace-button, convert-button, wrap-button, delete-button, add-attribute-button, set-attribute-button, remove-attribute-button.
  • xxeserver embeds Jetty Opens in new window in order to implement an HTTP and WebSocket server. Upgraded Jetty to version 11.0.17.
Bug fixes:
  • CSS extension property collapsible:yes was not honored for elements having an inline-block or inline-table display.

v1.0.0 (September 1, 2023)

xxeserver based on XMLmind XML Editor Opens in new window v10.5.
Bug fixes:
  • After many user actions, the document view was automatically scrolled to show the location of the caret, which was generally useless and annoying.
  • Replaced <xxe-client>/@systemselection by much simpler <xxe-client>/@button2pastestext. We could not get @systemselection="native" (e.g. with Chrome on Linux) to work satisfactorily because it seems there is no way to update the X Window Primary Selection Opens in new window without updating the System Clipboard at the same time.

v1.0.0-beta4 (August 2, 2023)

xxeserver based on XMLmind XML Editor Opens in new window v10.4.3 (not publicly released).
  • Dragging the column separator found at the right of a table cell may now be used to resize the table column containing this cell. Note that this works even when a table cell has no border, hence no visible column separator.
Bug fixes:
  • When <xxe-client>/@systemselection was set to "emulate" (e.g. Firefox on Linux), dragging the mouse over some text selected just a couple of characters then the text selection stopped by itself.

v1.0.0-beta3 (July 4, 2023)

xxeserver based on XMLmind XML Editor Opens in new window v10.4.2 (not publicly released).
  • Clicking inside the image representing the view of an image element now adds resize handles around this image. Dragging a resize handle lets you interactively resize the image element (DocBook example: <imagedata>) without having to manually change any of its attributes (DocBook example: @contentwidth, @contentdepth).
    The aspect ratio of an image element resized this way is automatically preserved. Drag a resize handle while pressing the Ctrl key (Cmd key on the Mac) if you do not wish to preserve its aspect ratio (i.e. if you want to distort the image).
  • Added an Options submenu to the menu of the sample XML editor application. For now, this submenu only contains a single checkbox: Autosave. This check box lets the user turn the autosave feature on and off at will. This checkbox is disabled (grayed) unless the autosave feature has been specified and configured using attribute @autosave.
  • Shift-clicking on an element name displayed by the node path bar now selects all the child nodes of this element. This is a handy alternative to using keyboard shortcut Escape ArrowDown.
  • xxeserver embeds Jetty Opens in new window in order to implement an HTTP and WebSocket server. Upgraded Jetty to version 11.0.15.
Bug fixes:
  • When testing newest Safari against XXEW, its “peculiar” Web Socket client caused xxeserver to raise a and from time to time —randomly— this completely blocked xxeserver.

v1.0.0-beta2 (May 29, 2023)

xxeserver based on XMLmind XML Editor Opens in new window v10.4.1 (not publicly released).
  • Added an autosave facility to the sample XML editor application. Note that this autosave facility is not enabled by default. See new attribute @autosave.
  • Added "Show Element Reference" to the menu of the sample XML editor application.
  • Added a "Comparison of revisions" information item to the tooltip of the document icon of the node path bar (if this feature has been enabled for this document being edited).
  • Firefox: slightly improved the clipboard integration. XXEW now updates the system clipboard when needed to but, unlike Chrome, still cannot read its contents.
  • The "Paste from Word Processor or Browser" add-on is now supported by XMLmind XML Editor Web Edition (XXEW) and is included in all XXEW distributions. As a consequence, a new "Paste from Word Processor or Browser" menu item has been added to the pop-se.png menu found at the bottom/right of the DocBook, DITA Topic and XHTML toolbars.
    Please note that this add-on, when used by XXEW, is less good at importing data copied by MS-Word to the clipboard than when used by the desktop application. The add-on is strictly identical in both contexts and in theory, this should not happen. However browsers tend to discard important style information before making copied data available to web applications such as XXEW. For example, lists and language information are not imported as accurately as they should be.
Bug fixes:
  • The dialog box displayed by command "Command History" did not work correctly when one of the repeatable commands had a parameter containing a newline character (example: "textSearchReplace a[i]foo\nbar").
  • Firefox: pressing Ctrl-SPACE to insert a non-breaking space character (&nbsp; or U+00A0) also inserted a space character.
  • In some cases, the width of "display:marker" content generated before an element was not computed accurately enough.

v1.0.0-beta1 (May 1, 2023)

First public release. xxeserver based on XMLmind XML Editor Opens in new window v10.4.0.