Appendix A. Troubleshooting Previous topic Parent topic Child topic Next topic

Troubleshooting: xxeserver does not start

  • An error message similar to the following one is displayed in the terminal or Command Prompt used to start xxeserver or is found in xxeserver log file.
    xxeserver: cannot start server: Failed to bind to
    Possible causes:
    • xxeserver is already running.
    • OR the port 18078 is used by another server. On Linux, command "lsof -i :PORT_NUMBER" will tell you which server is currently listening to port PORT_NUMBER.

Troubleshooting: the sample XML editor web application does not work

  • When opening the HTML page containing the sample XML Editor, you see the following error message:
    Possible causes:
    • The sample XML editor web application loads fine but your web browser is really not supported (e.g. Safari, any mobile web browser).
      You need to switch to a very recent version of Google Chrome or to any browser using the same Blink Opens in new window browser engine: Edge, Opera, Brave, etc. Firefox works fine too, but without system clipboard integration.
  • When opening the HTML page containing the sample XML Editor, you see the following error message:
    Possible causes:
    • The sample XML editor web application did not load. You are using a somewhat obsolete web browser (e.g. Internet Explorer) or your web browser is supported but you have disabled its JavaScript support.
  • Opening the HTML page containing the sample XML Editor seems to work but using the New or Open button displays the following error dialog box:
    Possible causes (assuming that xxeserver and the sample XML editor web application are correctly configured):
    • xxeserver is not running.
    • OR the port used by xxeserver (18078 in the above screenshot) is blocked by your anti-virus, firewall or proxy.