XMLmind XML Editor - Support of MathML 2.0

Hussein Shafie

XMLmind Software

35 rue Louis Leblanc,
78120 Rambouillet,
Phone: +33 (0)9 52 80 80 37,
Web: www.xmlmind.com/xmleditor
Email:  (public mailing list)

September 3, 2024


This document describes everything you need to know to add equations to your XML documents.

Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. How to add equations to your XML documents
3. Using the MathML tool
3.1. Parsing simple math expressions as MathML
3.2. Sample editing session
3.3. Modifying existing equations
3.4. Useful tips
4. MathML preferences
4.1. Bundled math fonts
A. Conformance with the MathML 2 W3C standard
B. Contents of the "MathML support" add-on
C. Customizing the MathML add-on
1. Customizing the contents of the MathML tool
2. Bundling better math fonts
D. Integrating MathML with document types other than DocBook 5, DITA Topic and XHTML 5