2.2. Using the Include tool

First of all, specify the filename or URL of the document containing all your XML variables.

This is done once for all. Up to 5 documents may be added to the list displayed by the "Contained in document" combobox. Specified documents are remembered in order to be reused in subsequent editing sessions.

After that, the tool works in two steps:

  1. Click on one of the following buttons:

    Replace by Reference

    (See EditReferenceReplace by Reference for a complete description of the command.)

    Insert Reference Before

    (See EditReferenceInsert Reference Before for a complete description of the command.)

    Insert Reference

    (See EditReferenceInsert Reference for a complete description of the command.)

    Insert Reference After

    (See EditReferenceInsert Reference After for a complete description of the command.)

    This first action just fills the list below these buttons with all the allowed arguments (element ``identifiers'' and/or "-") for the selected command.

    This list will only show elements:

    • directly contained (that is, not themselves included) in the document selected by the "Contained in document" combobox,

    • AND which may be copied as reference (generally this means that such element has an ID),

    • AND allowed by the schema given the chosen command and the current selection.

    The root element, when listed, is specified as "-".

  2. Choose the identifier of the element (or "-") from the list or type it in the text field. It is this second action which actually triggers the command.

Procedure for specifying an argument for one of the commands described above: