
32. translation

  location = anyURI matching [path/]

Specifies how to translate messages found in menu item label, toolBar button toolTip, template name, elementTemplate name, css name, binding menu item label, etc.

Localizing configuration files works as follows:

  1. The location attribute points to a Java™ property file. XHTML example:

    <translation location="" />
      <item label="Pre_view" icon="../common/icons/Refresh16.gif"
        <accelerator code="F5" />

    Where contains:

    convertToI=Convert to i
    convertToB=Convert to b

    The location URL specifies:

    • The reference language of the configuration file: a two-letter lower-case ISO code. In the above example: en.

    • A unique resource name used to find translations to other languages. In the above example: xhtml. More on this below.

    The reference property file is only used to map messages to message IDs. Example: message "Convert to i" has ID "convertToI".

  2. If, for example, XXE is started using a French locale, a property file called

    • is searched in the same directory as the reference property file;

    • OR, if this file is not found there, this property file is searched as a resource using the CLASSPATH. That is, is supposed to be contained[10] in a jar file found in the CLASSPATH.

    For performance reasons, language variants such CA in fr-CA are not supported.

  3. For the localization to work, the translated property file must refer to the same IDs as those found in reference property file.

    For example, contains:

    convertToI=Convertir en i
    convertToB=Convertir en b

[10] Directly contained, and not contained in a ``folder''. That is, "jar tvf foo.jar" must display and not foo/bar/