
18.3. Using linkType to define custom, specialized, attribute editors

The attributeEditor configuration element allows to extend the Attributes tools by implementing custom, specialized, attribute editors. The link type feature comes with two implementations of interface com.xmlmind.xmledit.cmd.attribute.SetAttribute.ChoicesFactory. These two classes allow to quickly and easily specify the value of attributes which are anchor names and/or the value of attributes which are pointers to anchors:


This class lists all the anchor names found in the document being edited. Each anchor name is followed by a short description of the element acting as an anchor.

If the document being edited is part of a document set, this class also lists all the anchor names found in the peer documents.

DocBook example:

<attributeEditor attribute="linkend" elementMatches="xref|link">
  <property name="listIfMemberOfDocSet" type="boolean" value="true" />

<attributeEditor attribute="id" elementMatches="*">
  <property name="listIfMemberOfDocSet" type="boolean" value="true" />

This class lists all the anchor names found in the document being edited. An anchor name is prefixed with '#'. Each anchor name is followed by a short description of the element acting as an anchor.

If the document being edited is part of a document set, this class also lists the relative URIs of all peer documents. If the user types relative_URI# in the Value field of the Attribute tool or in the specialized dialog box displayed by the Edit button, this class will auto-complete relative_URI# by all the anchor names found in peer document relative_URI.

XHTML example:

<attributeEditor attribute="href" elementMatches="html:a">

DITA topic example:

<attributeEditor attribute="href" elementMatches="xref|link">

Similar to com.xmlmind.xmleditapp.linktype.HrefChoicesFactory, for use to edit attributes which may contain one or more URIs and not just a single URI.

TEI example:

<attributeEditor attribute="target" elementMatches="*">