2. add-rule

add-rule(selector, before-selector?, properties?)

Add CSS rule having selector selector to the list of “interned” CSS rules of the document being edited. Adds this rule before rule having selector before-selector.

Does nothing at all if a CSS rule having selector selector already exists in the list of “interned” CSS rules of the document being edited.

For this command to work, command parse-styles must have been invoked in order to “intern” the CSS classes found in all the elements of the document being edited.


Specifies the selector of the CSS rule to be added.


Specifies the selector of the CSS rule before which a new CSS rule is to be added. Defaults to the empty string "", which means at the end of the list.

  • before-selector may be the empty string "", which means: add it at the end of the list.

  • before-selector may be the index of a CSS rule (possibly in string form) within the document being edited. First index is 0. Examples: 0, "43". The new CSS rule is added before the rule #before-selector, if any, at the end of the list otherwise.

  • before-selector may be a selector. Examples: "p", ".c-Code". The new CSS rule is added before the rule having selector before-selector, if any, at the end of the list otherwise.

  • before-selector may be a selector pattern. Examples: "^\.c-.+$", "/n-\d+/". The new CSS rule is added before first rule having a selector matching this pattern, if any, at the end of the list otherwise.

    A selector pattern has the following syntax: /pattern/ or ^pattern$ (which is equivalent to /^pattern$/), where pattern is a regular expression pattern.


Specifies the CSS style properties of the newly added CSS rule. Defaults to the empty string "", in which case, the newly added CSS rule has no style properties.


(: Add an empty ".important" rule after all the other rules. :)

(: Add a ".warning" rule after all the other rules. :)
add-rule(".warning", "", "color: red; font-weight: bold;");

(: Add an empty "a[href]" rule before rule #1. :)
add-rule("a[href]", 1);

(: Add an "a[href]" rule before rule "p". :)
add-rule("a[href]", "p", "color: navy; text-decoration: underline");

(: Add an empty ".link" rule before any rule having 
   a selector starting with ".". :)
add-rule(".link", "/^\./");

See also remove-rule, set-rule.

Related XPath extension functions: find-rule, get-rule.