
28.1. Relationship between schematron and validateHook

This schematron configuration element is a validateHook configuration element in disguise. A schematron element is equivalent to:

<validateHook name="Schematron">

However the above syntax cannot be used for SchematronHook which requires a number of arguments (e.g. the URL of the schematron).

This information is worth mentioning for two reasons:

  1. Document hooks are ordered. They are invoked in the order of their declarations. This is also true for schematron. In the example below, schematron validation is guaranteed to be invoked after the DocBook document hook:

    <!-- Fixes the cols attribute of tgroup and entrytbl if needed to. -->
    <schematron location="docbook.sch" />
  2. The snippet below may be used to remove previously declared schematron.

    <validateHook name="Schematron" />